Swift Swift DateFormatter Cheatsheet, Formulas, And Examples Learn how to use DateFormatter to parse, format, and extract components from Dates. Use the cheatsheet to create DateFormatter formulas.
Swift Learn Swift for C++ Developers Learn how to program in Swift with side-by-side C++ examples, covering topics from variable assignment to generics.
Swift Face ID and Touch ID in Swift Learn how to add Face ID and Touch ID to iOS and macOS apps using the Local Authentication Framework in Swift.
Core Data Core Data Background Fetch, Save, & Create Learn how to create new objects, perform fetch requests, and save a managed object context on a background thread using Core Data in Swift.
Swift Batch Delete And Delete Everything In Core Data Learn how to delete multiple objects, batch delete, and delete everything in Core Data with Swift.
Core Data Core Data Fetch Requests In Swift Learn how to make queries using fetch requests in Core Data for objects by ID, predicate, and entity with Swift.
Swift Secure Random Numbers and Data in Swift Learn how to generate secure random data and numbers in Swift using the Security framework.
Swift Getters and Setters in Swift Learn how to implement getters and setters for Swift properties, and learn about Swift 5.5 support for getters that can throw an error.
Swift Comments in Swift Learn how to add single line, multi-line, and markdown comments in Swift, and how to add Quick Help documentation in Xcode.
Swift Async / Await in Swift Learn how to use async and await in Swift by example. Async and await are new Swift 5.5 keywords to help implement asynchronous programming.
UI Crop UIImage In Swift Learn how to crop UIImages in Swift to different boundaries, including centering and circular crops like social media apps.
Swift Core Data Fetched Property Example In Swift Learn about fetched properties in Core Data with commented example code, and about alternatives to fetched properties in Swift.
Swift OrderedDictionary In Swift Learn how and when to use OrderedDictionary, provided by the swift-collections package, in Swift.
Swift OrderedSet In Swift Learn how and when to use OrderedSet, provided by the swift-collections package, in Swift.
Swift Read A File Using Combine In Swift Learn how to create a custom subscription and publisher to read a file on the main thread or a background thread using Combine in Swift.
Swift Building and Parsing URLs in Swift Learn how to create a URL from components, parse a URL into components, and work with URL query items in Swift.
Swift Autolayout vs Autoresizing Masks in Swift Learn when to use autolayout and autoresizing masks to create responsive user interfaces in Swift.
Swift CGPoint Examples in Swift From Lottie and Charts Learn how top Swift frameworks Lottie and Charts (44k+ combined GitHub stars) use CGPoint in Swift.
Swift Create, Update, and Delete Core Data Objects in Swift Learn how to create, update, and delete Core Data objects in Swift with commented code examples.
Swift Corner Radius, Shadows, and Borders in Swift Learn how to apply a corner radius, shadow, and border to all kinds of views, including UIViews, UIButtons, and UIImageViews, in Swift.
Swift Email, Phone, Username, Password, and Date Regular Expressions in Swift Learn how to create and use regular expressions in Swift to validate emails, phone numbers, usernames, passwords, and dates.
Swift Regular Expression Capture Groups in Swift Learn how to create and use regular expressions with named and unnamed capture groups in Swift.
Swift Swift Typealias Overview and Examples Learn how to define and use typealias in Swift for types, tuples, closures, protocols, and generics.
Swift Matrix Multiplication, Division, Addition, and Subtraction in Swift Learn how to multiply, divide, add and subtract matrices in Swift using the performance optimized Accelerate framework.
Swift Accelerometer and Gyroscope Examples in Swift Learn how to read motion data (accelerometer, gyroscope, and magnetometer) from iOS devices in Swift.