Cropping images is common across iOS and macOS, especially cropping user profile images in social media apps. This post presents examples for cropping images in Swift, including a center and circle crop:

  1. Crop Image
    a. Center Crop Image
    b. Crop UIImage
  2. Crop Image To Circle

Note: this post will focus on cropping images. If you would like to learn about changing an image's size, check out this post:

Resize UIImage Without Stretching in Swift
Learn how to scale a UIImage to a target size while keeping the aspect ratio the same

Crop Image

A center crop takes an existing image and crops the image to a shape showing the center of the image. In the following example, a center square crop will be applied to a rectangular image.

Center Rectangular Cropped Image Example
Center Rectangular Cropped Image Example

Center Crop Image

The CGImage method cropping(to:) can be used to perform a rectangular crop:

let sourceImage = UIImage(
    named: "imageNameInBundle"

// The shortest side
let sideLength = min(

// Determines the x,y coordinate of a centered 
// sideLength by sideLength square 
let sourceSize = sourceImage.size
let xOffset = (sourceSize.width - sideLength) / 2.0
let yOffset = (sourceSize.height - sideLength) / 2.0

// The cropRect is the rect of the image to keep, 
// in this case centered
let cropRect = CGRect(
    x: xOffset,
    y: yOffset,
    width: sideLength,
    height: sideLength

// Center crop the image
let sourceCGImage = sourceImage.cgImage!
let croppedCGImage = sourceCGImage.cropping(
    to: cropRect

This visualization provides a reference for the geometry applied in this example code:

Center Rectangle Crop Example Geometry
Center Rectangle Crop Example Geometry

Crop UIImage

To obtain a UIImage from cropped CGImage croppedCGImage, use the imageRenderFormat.scale and imageOrientation of the source image sourceImage:

// Center crop the image
let sourceCGImage = sourceImage.cgImage!
let croppedCGImage = sourceCGImage.cropping(
    to: cropRect

// Use the cropped cgImage to initialize a cropped 
// UIImage with the same image scale and orientation
let croppedImage = UIImage(
    cgImage: croppedCGImage,
    scale: sourceImage.imageRendererFormat.scale,
    orientation: sourceImage.imageOrientation

Crop Image To Circle

UIGraphicsImageRenderer and UIBezierPath can be used to circle crop a UIImage in Swift . In the following example, a centered circular crop will be applied to a rectangular image.

Center Circular Cropped Image Example
Center Circular Cropped Image Example
// This example uses xOffset, yOffset, cropRect, 
// sourceImage, and croppedCGImage as computed in the 
// Center Crop Image example earlier in this post

// Start with the result of the Center Crop 
// Image example
let sourceCGImage = sourceImage.cgImage!
let croppedCGImage = sourceCGImage.cropping(
    to: cropRect

// A circular crop results in some transparency in the 
// cropped image, so set opaque to false to ensure the 
// cropped image does not include a background fill
let imageRendererFormat = sourceImage.imageRendererFormat
imageRendererFormat.opaque = false

// UIGraphicsImageRenderer().image provides a block 
// interface to draw into in a new UIImage
let circleCroppedImage = UIGraphicsImageRenderer(  
    // The cropRect.size is the size of 
    // the resulting circleCroppedImage
    size: cropRect.size, 
    format: imageRendererFormat).image { context in
    // The drawRect is the cropRect starting at (0,0)
    let drawRect = CGRect(
        origin: .zero,
        size: cropRect.size
    // addClip on a UIBezierPath will clip all contents 
    // outside of the UIBezierPath drawn after addClip 
    // is called, in this case, drawRect is a circle so
    // the UIBezierPath clips drawing to the circle
    UIBezierPath(ovalIn: drawRect).addClip()

    // The drawImageRect is offsets the image’s bounds 
    // such that the circular clip is at the center of 
    // the image
    let drawImageRect = CGRect(
        origin: CGPoint(
            x: -xOffset, 
            y: -yOffset
        size: sourceImage.size

    // Draws the sourceImage inside of the 
    // circular clip
    sourceImage.draw(in: drawImageRect)

This visualization provides a reference for the geometry applied in this example code:

Center Circular Crop Example Geometry
Center Circular Crop Example Geometry

Swift Crop Image Programmatically

That’s it! By using UIGraphicsImageRenderer, UIBezierPath, and UIImage you can crop images to different shapes and orientations in Swift.