This post presents an implementation of a Swift enum property on a Core Data Model. Following the method in this post will allow you to get and set a model property using an enum type.
Create Enum
The first step is to create a representative enum for a model property. For this example, a State
enum will be created with the cases on, off, and unknown.
enum State: Int32 {
case off = 0
case on = 1
case unknown = 2
Create A Core Data Model
The next step is to create a Core Data Model called StatefulModel
. One solution to save Swift enums in Core Data is to create a corresponding Int32
property and implement a custom getter and setter. First, create a stateValue
property with the type Int32
on a new Core Data Model.
Next, implement the following extension for StatefulModel
extension StatefulModel {
var state: State {
// To get a State enum from stateValue, initialize the
// State type from the Int32 value stateValue
get {
return State(rawValue: self.stateValue)!
// newValue will be of type State, thus rawValue will
// be an Int32 value that can be saved in Core Data
set {
self.stateValue = newValue.rawValue
Saving a Swift Enum To Core Data
That’s it! The StatefulModel
now has an enum property that supports both get and set.
let context = // your Core Data Managed Object Context
// Create a new Stateful Model
let entityDescription = NSEntityDescription.entity(
forEntityName: “StatefulModel”,
in: context
let model = StatefulModel(
entity: entityDescription,
insertInto: context
// Set a new state
model.state = .on
// Get and print the State enum value
// Save the Stateful Model