This post presents a subclass of NSButton with image padding. Following the method in this post will allow you to add spacing between the frame of a NSButton and the button image.

  1. Subclass NSButton
  2. Override Draw
  3. NSButton With Image Padding

Subclass NSButton

The first step is to subclass NSButton and prepare to modify the draw(dirtyRect:) function. Similar to UIEdgeInsets on iOS, the NSButtonWithImageSpacing subclass will expose two variables to allow for image insets on an NSButton.

@IBDesignable class NSButtonWithImageSpacing: NSButton {
    // Expose the padding as @IBInspectable to allow padding to be
    // set in a Storyboard
    @IBInspectable var verticalImagePadding: CGFloat = 0
    @IBInspectable var horizontalImagePadding: CGFloat = 0

Override Draw

The next step is to override draw(dirtyRect:) and modify the bounds before the draw call. Doing so will draw the button content in a smaller CGRect than the button frame, giving the button image padding.

@IBDesignable class NSButtonWithImageSpacing: NSButton {
    @IBInspectable var verticalImagePadding: CGFloat = 0
    @IBInspectable var horizontalImagePadding: CGFloat = 0
    override func draw(_ dirtyRect: NSRect) {
        // Reset the bounds after drawing is complete
        let originalBounds = self.bounds
        defer { self.bounds = originalBounds }

        // Inset bounds by the image padding
        self.bounds = originalBounds.insetBy(
            dx: horizontalImagePadding,
            dy: verticalImagePadding

        // Draw the button content with padding

NSButton With Image Padding

That’s it! With the NSButtomWithImageSpacing implementation you can achieve the following results:

NSButton with image spacing example
NSButton with image spacing example