A group of Beta Testers can help development iterate faster, shortening the time between idea, version updates, and feature feedback. Reaching out to target users who may be a great fit for your app is one strategy to recruit an audience of Beta Testers.

Beta Testing Request Subject Lines

An informative subject line is important to get your request noticed from an email. One option is to let the potential testers know they will join an exclusive group who gains access to upcoming features before others.

Exclusive {AppName} Preview

Another option is to be straight to the point. Being up front with what you are asking may help your email get opened or considered:

{AppName}, Beta Invite

Beta Testing Request Email

When asking someone to become a Beta Tester make sure your expectations and offer are clear. To build excitement, you may consider sharing some upcoming ideas in development to get feedback even before a feature is built.

Recruit Beta Testers For Your App

Asking for beta testers on your iOS or Android app is just one part of marketing your app. Customize the email template here to reach out to potential app beta testers and let them know you would highly value their feedback.